
Established in 1896, the Gesellschaft für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde e. V. (Society for the Study of Historical Arms and Armour and of Costume) is the oldest organisation of its kind in the world. It serves as a forum for all those who are involved professionally or personally in the study of historical arms, armour and dress.

The Society places its focus on the history of arms from Antiquity to the middle of the 19th century and the history of fashion and textiles up to the present day.

About us

The Society is an international association of scholars, collectors and interested laypersons.

It is editor of the journal “Waffen- und Kostümkunde – Zeitschrift für Waffen- und Kleidungsgeschichte”, published twice a year.

Every two years, the Society holds a General Conference at varying locations with significant collections of historical arms, armour and clothing. Every other year, in alternation with the conference, the Society organises excursions with special visits and guided tours.



Matthias Goll: Depiction of Men and Equestrian Armour in Dolnstein´s Sketches Marc Höchner / Annette Kniep: Zwei Lederkoller im Bernischen Historischen Museum


Christopher Retsch:

Welsche und deutsche Schallern in einem Inventar der Burg Runkelstein von 1493 Peter Spätling: Genatärisch – der Reitstil a la Gineta

Berichte, Mitteilungen und Besprechungen


Raimar W. Kory:

Ausgewählte Schriften zur historischen Bekleidungskultur (2014–2024)

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Each year we offer a conference or an excursion with a focus on arms, armour and dress.


The journal is published by the Gesellschaft für Historische Waffen- und Kostümkunde e. V..

Founded in 1897 by Wendelin Boeheim as “Zeitschrift für historische Waffenkunde”, it is now in its third series and is published annually in two issues of approximately 100 pages each. It contains four to six articles from both disciplines as well as reports, book reviews and a compilation of new publications on the history of arms, armour, dress and fashion.

The journal is sent to all members of the Society. All issues can also be purchased individually from bookshops or directly from the publisher.


Become a member of the worldwide oldest society for the study of historic arms and armour and of costume.


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